
How To Create a Playlist

How To Create a Playlist

The Difference Between a Playlist and a Program

Loop :45 has two different features for content organization and distribution.

Playlist: A Playlist can be created in either the Loop :45 App or Dashboard and is mainly used as a vehicle to organize content that follows a similar theme. Playlist Assignments can be set in the Dashboard as well. Group Directors can also ask Members to submit content to Playlists.

Program: A Program is created only in the Dashboard and allows Group Directors to create assignments, set timing and cadence, and assign settings and parameters for recurring content. Every Program has an associated Playlist.

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Loop :45 App: Create a Playlist

Step One

Open the Loop :45 App and tap on the Group you want to create a Playlist for.

Tap on the Playlist tab.

Step Two

Tap on the “Create Playlist” button. 

Step Three

Type in the name of the Playlist. 

You can then select auto-post for the Videos added to the Playlist. If this is selected, Group Members are notified when a Video is added and the Video appears on the Group Home Tab.

Tap “Create”. 

You may now view the Playlist on the Playlist tab.