Video at Work
Seamlessly record and share authentic, first-person videos, with high-value attachments, to elevate professional communications and forge stronger connections.

The Most Effective Way to Share Information
Loop :45 enables professionals to create and share, asynchronously, enabling everyone to connect on their own time.
Team Communications
Transform internal communication by enabling teams to connect, even if apart. Introduce new hires, share timely updates, celebrate milestones, and cultivate a meaningful company culture. By leveraging Loop :45, teams can foster connection and enhance productivity and cohesion across distributed environments.

External Outreach
Forge meaningful connections with prospects, customers, partners and vendors by delivering personalized and timely messages, fostering bonds built on trust and authenticity. :45s empower businesses to showcase their unique identity, establish rapport, and leave a lasting impression in today's fast-paced digital landscape.
Professional Networking
Craft concise yet impactful introductions that highlight your expertise and personality, facilitating memorable connections and building a robust network.

Authentic. Intelligent.
Authenticity in professional communication is more vital than ever. While Loop :45 recognizes the power of AI, we believe it should enhance, not replace, genuine human interactions and experiences.
Trust is the foundation of meaningful professional relationships, and authenticity is the key to building that trust.
By incorporating authentic video at work, organizations can foster stronger connections, streamline processes, and increase productivity, all while cultivating a more vibrant and connected workplace culture.
The :45 is so much more than a video
The :45 is the cornerstone of Loop: 45. It’s a concise short-form video lasting up to 45 seconds, and is enriched with high-value attachments including documents, images, hyperlinks, and descriptive text.

Loop :45 delivers a unique experience

Learn more about the ways to use Loop :45
The Numbers Show, Short-Form Video is a Smarter Way to Communicate and Engage

How it Works

Your Organization
Your Members

Learn more about the ways to use Loop :45

We offer enterprise-grade security to keep data private and secure. Organizations have full control over their workspace on Loop :45.